Baa Atoll UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

Fish of the Maldives

A Guide to Common Reef Fish in


Blue-streak Cleaner Wrasse

Labroides dimidiatus

Usually seen ON another fish cleaning it, not alone!  Up to 10cm.

Bird Wrasse

Gomphosus caeruleus

Come in various colors during various stages of their life, but recognized by its bird beak-like nose.


Six-bar Wrasse

Thalassoma hardwicke

One of the smaller wrasses; up to 20cm.  Also with a lunate tail.


Jansen's Wrasse

Thalassoma jensenii

Also one of the smaller wrasses, and lunate-tailed.  Up to to 20cm.

Two-tone Wrasse

Thalassoma jensenii

Up to 20cm.  Note the lunate tail.


Checkerboard Wrasse

Hemitautoga hortulanus

Shading of colors can vary, but the checkerboard pattern is distinctive. Up to 25cm.


Banded Thick-lip Wrasse

Hemigymnus fasciatus

Coloration can vary, but is always banded.  Up to 30cm.


Queen Rainbow-Wrasse

Allocoris formosa

Female with spots; male with vertical bands.  Up to 50cm.


Half-and-Half Wrasse

Hemigymnus melaperus

Up to 50cm.


Triple-tail Maori Wrasse

Cheilinus trilobatus

Light pink spots & scribbles on head and "triple" shaped tail helps identify the juvenile on right.  Up to 40cm.
